step # 4 Hookah pipe integrity

We chose a hookah, examined the body and now it's left to choose and test pipe (hose) fitting.

Check connections - pipe three main parts that require examination: the connection with the hookah, the fairy we smoked through and the covered partsof the pipe, the hose.Check that the pipe is connected properly and not loose, check the fitness  for both hookah pipe and tube and another rubber band will be asked for spare, just in case.

Nozzle of the hose connected to a hookah sometimes comes loose, ask to strengthen it or choose another tube, checking the decorations that adorn it are not worn, check to see if she hooked up with a rubber band or tape? And whether the connection is correct?the smoking fairy, check that the nozzle is not clogged, crooked, loose, excessively dirty, well reinforced and not worn. Check the pipe decorations are not loose and worn.

Tightness test tube -  approached the tube into your ear and blew the second nozzle, check the outgoing air is strong, the same test on the other.cover 1 fairy and blew a second mouthpiece, check that air flight (Noise in the tube indicates the escape), then checked again the second mouthpiece. During these tests, "play" a little with the hose (turn and bend it slightly), and investigated whether there is  escape of air.  

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